Janis and Jewel, Original Painting


16"x12" oil on panel, portrait of Janis and Jewel, two rescued goats living the dream at Iowa Farm Sanctuary.
This painting has a story beyond my visit to Iowa. After I painted it, I had it hanging on the wall in my studio for a few months. In January of this year, one of our dogs had some kind of neurological event which left her with stroke-like symptoms for three months. During this time we were seeing small improvements, and so we took care of her and hoped for recovery. But she was incredibly clumsy, and would get tangled up in things because she couldn't walk straight. One day in February, she got herself entangled in my easel, and took the whole thing down, into the wall, and into the painting, leaving a deep gash in it. It took me another few months to repair it, but repair it I did! It is now good as new, with no visible damage from the front. The best news of all though, is that our dog made a full recovery, just one day, got better. Crazy!

I am thrilled to be able to offer this painting again, and 25% of the sale will go to Iowa Farm Sanctuary to help them continue their amazing work.
This painting will ship for free within the contiguous US.